Mason Deaver’s novel “I Wish You All the Best” dives into complex issues within the LGBTQIA+ community. The story begins with Ben coming out to their parents as nonbinary and being kicked out of their house, to then living with their sister and exploring their queer identity in an accepting environment. Analyzing the themes of...
Tag: Acceptance
April 5, 2024April 5, 2024Features
Being Awarded for Abortion Activism at my Jesuit University
On February 29th, 2024, I received an email with the subject line “Congratulations!” With my curious personality, I decided to immediately open this email to figure out why I would be congratulated. In opening this email, I found out that I was being awarded a Lorch Award (The Dr. I. Joan Lorch Award for Women...
July 5, 2023July 2, 2023Features